The twelve counties that make up Resilient Northeast Georgia are each taking a unique approach to the mitigation and prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences, working to specifically tailor initiatives, trainings, and programs to address the most impactful causative and environmental factors within the county’s area of service. Working together as a region, Resilient Northeast Georgia embodies a diverse, highly specialized approach to trauma-informed care.
As a coalition, we work to acknowledge that each county in our region has a unique set of needs, resources, and existing infrastructure for addressing and preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences, thus requiring a different approach to the root causes of trauma that exist for citizens across the region. Just as there is no universal experience of childhood adversity, there is no one way to address and prevent the outcomes of Adverse Childhood Experiences. To most successfully begin the work of preventing trauma, we believe that initiatives should transcend geopolitical boundaries, sectors of the workforce, and lived experiences of trauma to adaptively meet people and organizations where they’re at, building a baseline for resiliency that accommodates the unique needs of the region of service.
To learn more about these initiatives, programs, events, and trainings, as well as the partners working within the Resilient Northeast Georgia coalition, click on any of the counties below for an in-depth look at what is happening in each county and across the region.